Emotionally Focused individual Therapy (Level 1) – Feb, 2023
This EFiT program teaches you how to tune into, order, and use the power of potent emotion to literally ‘move’ clients into a new sense of self. As they construct their inner emotional worlds in new ways, the results are:
– an increased sense of competence and worth,
– a sense of secure connection with self and others,
– and diminished symptoms of emotional disorders.
Immediately transform your practice and clients with EFiT.
2 Day
Event Schedule
Day 1:
Thursday Feb 2, 2023
Day 2:
Friday Feb 3, 2023
Event Time
by Time Zone
Pacific: 6:00am – 1:00pm
Mountain: 7:00am – 2:00pm
Central: 8:00am – 3:00pm
Eastern: 9:00am – 4:00pm
Become the therapist you want to be! Register today.
Scholarships are available for those in need.
Paul GuilloryICEEFT Certified Trainer
Dr. Guillory is an Associate Professor at the University of California, Berkeley in the Clinical Science Program, Psychology Department. He has taught courses on Emotionally Focused Therapies at U.C. Berkeley. He is certified trainer, supervisor, and therapist of Emotionally Focused Therapy. Dr. Guillory is the author of “Emotionally Focused Therapy with African American Couples: Love Heals,” Routledge, August 2021. He is the former chairperson of the Northern California Community of Emotionally Focused Therapy. Dr. Guillory was the psychological consultant to the Oakland Raiders professional football team and the National Football League for 14 years. He has also been a consultant to the Sacramento Kings professional basketball team and is a selected provider for the National Basketball Players Association. He served as Director of the Center for Family Counseling in Oakland California for ten years. He is a life-time member of the Association of Black Psychologists, as well as a life-time member of the USA Masters Track & Field Association. He has been in private practice in Oakland California for over 30 years.
Elana KatzICEEFT Certified Trainer
Elana Katz, LCSW, LMFT, is a senior faculty member at the Ackerman Institute for the Family and a founding board member of the New York Center for EFT. One of the first therapists in New York to become certified in Emotionally Focused Therapy, she is now an EFT Trainer and the co-coordinator of the ICEEFT Diversity Committee. In addition to enjoying her role as therapist and trainer, Elana has applied her knowledge of attachment and relationships to help mediation and collaborative law clients, and their professional teams, intercept the recurring patterns that shape high conflict divorce. Elana has published a number of articles and book chapters, and she’s been quoted by the New York Times, the Associated Press, and other media outlets. She presents nationally and internationally, most often in the Midwest and Israel, and her private practice is in Manhattan.