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2025 Trainer Scheduling

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Not Enrolled
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Dear Trainers,

This is where you raise your hand to identify which live-online teaching opportunities with ICEEFT Courses you are interested in for 2025.

Eligible Trainers
All trainers who are located in Canada/USA/Mexico + teach in English are eligible to take part.

The Lottery
All scheduling is determined by lottery. Trainers submit scheduling surveys regarding which dates they are available for, then the lottery is consulted, then matching & time zone information is cross referenced to find a duo. Offers are then emailed out, and can be accepted or rejected. Parts of the process repeat until a trainer pair is identified. All trainers are notified once the process is complete.

Sometimes trainers cannot teach an event as planned, and a new co-trainer is required for the scheduled trainer.

Rescheduling opportunities are shared with every trainer who is interested in teaching that course (eg, the full list of 2025 EFFT Essentials trainers will be emailed). Available trainers reply via email, then the lottery is consulted, and matching information cross referenced. The scheduled trainer is kept informed throughout the process and may input preferences.

As soon as possible, an offer is emailed out, and can be accepted or rejected. The process continues until a replacement co-trainer is identified. All trainers are notified once the process is complete.

Annual Review
Annually, Vanessa checks which trainers are/not interested in taking part in Courses. If you are NOT interested in working with ICEEFT Courses in 2025, please do NOT complete any of these tiny surveys; instead email Vanessa “no”. Vanessa will next reach out to you regarding if you wish to take part in 2026 events.


If all trainers complete available surveys within 14 days of receipt, I should be able to collate the answers and make offers within a few days.

  • July-Sept 2025 scheduling survey
    • Survey released Jan 20; closed Sunday Feb 2. Offers sent Feb 4.
  • Oct-Dec 2025 scheduling survey
    • Survey released Jan 20; closed Sunday Feb 2. Offers sent Feb 4.

How does this page work?

What do the checkmarks mean? That you have opened that page; unfortunately they do NOT mean you have submitted that survey.

How will you know if you’ve submitted a survey? You will receive an automated copy via email at the time of each submission.

What do I need to submit? Usually, only the scheduling survey. However the tiny annual survey’s will remain available over the year so that you can update your data (if needed).

Scheduling FAQ

I wasn’t scheduled last round. Will I be this time?
Trainers who were not scheduled recently have a higher likelihood of being scheduled next. Scheduling is done by combining: lottery sequence, trainer availability, matching, and (occasionally) time zone restrictions; there is a separate lottery for each stream (Fundamentals, EXT, EFIT, and EFFT). Of course, I cannot schedule a trainer whose survey answers I receive late or not at all.

Why are some trainers scheduled so much?
Option 1: If a trainer has raised their hand for every stream (EFIT, EFFT, Fundamentals & EXT), it is more likely that their face will end up on the Courses site with a higher frequency because there is a separate lottery sequence for each program.
Option 2: When a trainer “cancels”, I reach out to every trainer who may be available to step in. People with incredible availability fill those gaps. Where multiple offers are received, the lottery sequence is consulted, as is the original co-trainer.

How can I increase my chances of being scheduled?
Select more trainers that you’re happy to try working with, raise your hand for more types of courses (Fundamentals, EXT, EFIT and/or EFFT), and (where possible) make space in your schedule for training opportunities. Note: if you have been recently scheduled, it is very likely you’ll need to wait a while before you’re scheduled again. Also, the more trainers I have for each type of course, the longer the wait.

Benefits & Responsibilities

Can you remind me what trainers gain from teaching live-online with ICEEFT Courses?
Trainers, as independent contractors, are paid a daily rate of US$2,750 (starting June 2024, previously $2,500 per day) regardless of how many hours that training is, how many people are signed up, if they are the sole trainer, etc. All financial risk is taken on by ICEEFT Courses. All organizing & processing is done by ICEEFT Courses, including connecting the attendees of every course with their local EFT Centre/Community, all scholarship applications, etc. By and large, you get to bring yourself and your slides/handouts and… Just Teach. Of course, there is a bit more too it than that! You also get to work with a co-trainer, building relationships across North America.

Can you remind me what ICEEFT Courses doesn’t do?

  • Courses doesn’t offer in-person events; in fact, we regularly direct people to in-person events, as well as provide refunds to attendees who want to join an in-person event instead.
  • Courses doesn’t offer any Core Skills events, at all.
  • Courses doesn’t offer any LOTE (Language Other Than English) in North America at this time; we are hoping to produce a multi-lingual and pioneering Externship for SE Asia in 2025.
  • Courses doesn’t immediately accept international attendees for live-online events. For every booking or enquiry or scholarship application we receive from an international attendee, we recommend local options for that person.
  • Courses doesn’t organize helpers for Externships, although we have developed some supports (such as an application form) to support trainers in handling helper applications.
  • Courses doesn’t source live couples for Externships.
  • Courses doesn’t tend to promote specific events; instead we promote clusters of events or the site as a whole. Event-specific trainer marketing remains very important, and in 2023 we created a Trainer Marketing Guide to support you.

ICEEFT Courses is still young program: learning, growing, and adjusting. I would like to thank all of you who have joined me on this journey to date, and I look forward to working with new faces as we continue.

Very best regards,
Online Events Manager

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