Prerecorded EFIT Level 2: access now until 15/Dec/2024
Pre-requisite: EFIT Level 1
This event is available on-demand until Nov 30, 2024. Registrations close on Nov 30, 2024. Access the recordings until Dec 15, 2024.
What is “on-demand”? Begin watching as soon as your transaction is complete!
Deepen your understanding of EFIT practice while discovering effective ways to overcome barriers and obstacles to change.
EFIT Level 2 expands on Level 1, delving deeper into objectives and providing more extensive discussion and practice. Level 2 training also offers support for challenging clients and situations.
Transform your practice – and your clients – with EFIT!
Prerecorded Course Overview
This prerecorded course is for you if:
Learning Objectives
Video 1 – Tuning In and Charting the Course in EFIT
By the end of this first section of the course, participants will be able to:
Video 2 – Overview of Interventions
By the end of this second section of the course, participants will be able to:
Video 3 – Transitioning from Stage 1 into Stage 2
By the end of this third section of the course, participants will be able to:
Video 4 – Stage 3: Consolidation
By the end of this final section of the course, participants will be able to:
CEs & Policies
12 Continuing Education Credits (optional)
If you wish to obtain a $40 CE certificate upon your completion of this event, please sign up with TRIEFT Alliant via our CE information page.
Please direct all CE questions to help@trieft.org
Alliant International University is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Alliant International University maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Special Event Policies
Please choose carefully as this a special event and has the following conditions in addition to our regular policies:
Special events welcome attendees from around the world.
Discount: Each publisher offers ICEEFT Courses attendees a discount of 20-25% off the following texts. Once you have registered for a course, you may access the relevant discount codes via the Courses Portal.

“A Primer for Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT): Cultivating Fitness and Growth in Every Client” by Susan M. Johnson and T. Leanne Campbell, 2022.
Routledge offers this publication in paperback, hardcover or eBook.

“Attachment Theory in Practice: Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) with Individuals, Couples, and Families” by Dr. Susan M. Johnson, 2019.
Guildford Press offers this publication in hardcover or eBook.

“Becoming an Emotionally Focused Therapist: The Workbook (2nd Edition)” by James L. Furrow, Susan M. Johnson, Brent Bradley, Lorrie L. Brubacher, T. Leanne Campbell, Veronica Kallos-Lilly, Gail Palmer, Kathryn Rheem, Scott R. Woolley, 2022.
Routledge offers this publication in paperback, hardcover or eBook.
This event is available on-demand until Nov 30, 2024. Registrations close on Nov 30, 2024. Access the recordings until Dec 15, 2024.
What is “on-demand”? Begin watching as soon as your transaction is complete!
Become the therapist you want to be! Register today.
Scholarships are available for those in need.
Our site is once again accepting USD, thus CAD pricing is no longer available.
Sue JohnsonICEEFT Certified Trainer and Founder
Dr. Sue Johnson was an author, clinical psychologist, researcher, professor, popular presenter and speaker and a leading innovator in the field of couple therapy and adult attachment. Sue was the primary developer of Emotionally Focused Couples and Family Therapy (EFT), which has demonstrated its effectiveness in over 30 years of peer-reviewed clinical research.
Sue Johnson was founding Director of the International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT) and Distinguished Research Professor at Alliant University in San Diego, California, as well as Professor Emeritus, Clinical Psychology, at the University of Ottawa, Canada.
Sue’s book, “Attachment Theory in Practice: EFT with Individuals, Couples and Families”, shows the promise of attachment science in terms of making sense of and repairing our most precious relationships and thriving as strong resilient individuals. Attachment science offers us the most potent model for therapeutic change, especially when dealing with anxiety and depression, and that, of all models of intervention, EFT most closely captures the essence of the attachment perspective. It targets the defining feature of survival-oriented human connection, namely strong emotion, and systematically shapes core bonding interactions with others.
Sue trained counselors in EFT worldwide and consulted to the 65 international institutes and affiliated centers who practice EFT.
Leanne CampbellICEEFT Certified Trainer
Dr. T. Leanne Campbell is co-director of the Vancouver Island Centre for EFT and Campbell & Fairweather Psychology Group and is an Honorary Research Associate of Vancouver Island University. Trained by Dr. Sue Johnson in the early 1990s, she has continued to work in the EFT model since that time, and has provided psychotherapy services to hundreds of individuals, couples and families over the past about three decades.
Known for her expertise in the area of trauma, Dr. Campbell has provided hundreds of psychological assessment reports for forensic/legal and personal injury matters being considered before various levels of Court. She also is regularly called upon to provide expert opinion surrounding Canadian Forces Base, Veterans Affairs Canada, Royal Canadian Mounted Police/RCMP (and other first responder) cases, as well as psychological evaluations for various insurance companies and bodies involved in adjudicating personal injury and other trauma-based claims.
In addition to maintaining an active and full-time private practice, with a primary focus in the areas of trauma, grief and loss, Dr. Campbell currently co-manages a two-site practice comprised of over twenty clinicians and is a site co-ordinator for an Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT) outcome study.
An active ICEEFT Certified Trainer, Leanne has been providing trainings in EFT over the past many years and has similarly been involved in the development of various training materials including DVDs, on-line educational/training programs, books, workbooks and articles.