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2024 Prerecorded EFIT Level 2 (ends Dec15)

Current Status
Not Enrolled
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Welcome to your EFIT!

We want to thank you again for choosing ICEEFT Courses, and we’re so excited to have you join us for this “Prerecorded EFIT Level 2” with Sue Johnson & Leanne Campbell.

Event Information

Connect with Your Local EFT Organization

We encourage you to connect with the EFT Organization that is closest to you!

Please use the complete list of affiliated organizations or click on the map to access an interactive version showing the approximate locations of EFT Organizations worldwide.

Map of North America with pins showing EFT locations
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You may notice that there is a circle next to each topic and section, above. As you click to open each topic, a checkmark will automatically be added. Sections with nested topics cannot gain their checkmarks until after all nested topics are checkmarks.

You will find further information plus instructions about this within “Post-Event: Completion Certificate”.

Please note if you used this interface prior to May 2023, you may remember Mark Complete buttons. We have removed these to enhance user experience.


Before, during, and after the event, courses@iceeft.com is available to support you on regular business days (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm Pacific).

End of Day Reflection (optional)

Eg, feedback, highlights, improvements, celebrations, etc. Please do not use this form for seeking assistance; this is a space for individual reflection on the course.

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